Vivos global shelter network

Vivos member co-owned shelter complexes comfortably accommodate large groups of people, in spacious living quarters, outfitted and stocked for a minimum of one year of autonomous survival to ride out the potential events. Virtually every detail has been considered and planned for. Members need to only arrive before their facility is locked down and secured from the chaos above.

Included within the Vivos network is a group of existing nuclear hardened shelters built by governments during the Cold War. These shelters varying in size, shape, and configuration, but in each case they were built to last for hundreds of years and withstand the forces of a 20 megaton nuclear blast within just a few miles. These shelters are completely retrofitted with state of the art mechanical, electrical, an internal power generation system, backup battery banks, deep water wells, biological, chemical and radiation (NBC) air filtration systems, sewage discharge and disposal systems, and critical support equipment including off-road vehicles, extensive security devices, as well as all new fit and finishes on virtually every surface. 

Most Vivos shelters include complete and fully furnished living quarters, with semi-private bedrooms, deluxe bathrooms, kitchen and dining areas, spacious lounges and meeting areas, computers, entertainment electronics, exercise equipment, a library or educational and entertainment materials, security devices, a detention area, vaults for valuables and munitions, a communications center, laundry facilities, repair shop, and more. We stock each shelter for up to one year of autonomous survival for the members, including an abundant supply of food, fuel, over-the-counter medicines, hygienic supplies, and toilet paper. Our larger shelters even include a medical and dental care center, with x-ray equipment.

Vivos truly provides everything needed for the autonomous safety, security, comfort and well-being of each of the co-owner members that inhabit our shelters.

Other than Vivos xPoint, Vivos shelters are managed by the respective Shelter Association Management Board with Vivos oversight. The Board elects a Shelter Director to oversee day to day operations, with special Emergency Response and Operational Teams for ongoing maintenance, services, replenishment, security and surveillance. The Association Bylaws and Emergency Response Plan governs every predictable condition and procedure, before and during a shelter lockdown. 

Warning – There are many “promoters” offering their own solution to surviving what is ahead. Most of them do not offer real concrete and steel underground bunkers built to withstand virtually all of the known risks. Some have a limited belief that they only need to protect their followers from another pandemic, although any of their members could enter their above-ground compound and spread the disease. They have no provisions for a nuclear attack, asteroid/comet impact, pole shift winds, solar flare, EMP, economic collapse, civil war, anarchy, or Planet X. These are “poor man” solutions to Vivos hardened blast proof bunkers. Stay away from these doomsday timeshares with no real life protection.

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